Colie's Children's Books

All [6] of Colie's children's books are available on Amazon.

The Last of us

"My Pants"

The Last of us

"Two Cents"

The Last of us

"Rooker The Looker"

Colie's Blogs

Nicole is a chronically ill patient, a seasoned foster parent, and a hopeful adoptive parent.


Due to cystic fibrosis, Nicole "Colie" spent a lot of time in the hospital. Her favorite coping mechanism was storytelling. She loved to read stories with her mother. Child Life Specialists would help her tell stories through puppets. As she aged, she became an active member at her local community theater. She began to write stories, lyrics, and even plays. Later on, Nicole learned that storytelling is also a crucial part of advocacy, and she wanted to share this gift with the world.

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