The Founder

Nicole "Colie" Kohr


Nicole “Colie” Kohr is award-winning author, speaker, and advocate (@cystic4real). Through her non-profit organization, Colie Creations Inc, Nicole uses different storytelling platforms to advocate for patients and foster children. Her passion for storytelling stems from her childhood as a pediatric patient. Thanks to her mother’s guidance and creativity, Nicole learned that stories are powerful coping mechanisms. When her lung function declined to 11% due to a lifetime with cystic fibrosis (CF), Nicole underwent a bilateral lung transplant. After a lifetime of masking her disease, Nicole shared her story on social media. Her transparency and the publications that followed touched the lives of thousands. Present day, Nicole uses stories to bridge the gap between the chronically ill and able-bodied communities. An active foster parent, Nicole is spearheading an educational program for parents and children in the system. She is also the volunteer engagement chair of the Eastern/Central N.C. Chapter of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

Storybook Characters

Nicole "Colie" Kohr w/ her storybook characters

How It Started
